Smoking Cessation Mindshifts
A deep exploration of Smoking Cessation Intervention for Hypnotists and NLPers
Over 4.5 hours of audio material exploring
James Tripp's approach to⨠Smoking Cessation
with Hypnosis, NLP and Beyond...

"Awesome seminar on Smoking Cessation! I got more value in one day than most courses teach in an entire week!"
Steve Kirton - Author of Ancient Secrets of the Mind
Smoking Cessation Mindshifts
Effective smoking cessation interventions for those with
some skill and grounding in NLP and Hypnosis
Run GREAT stop smoking sessions with Hypnosis and/or NLP...
AND get great results!
The most effective understandings and approaches that I have utilised and developed across
7 years of working with smokers who are choosing to quit unpacked and explained
What I have found to be less useful too (some of which is exactly the kind of thing that some practitioners encourage)
£97 Lifetime Access
Get Access Now!
Hi there…
James Tripp here - welcome to the information page for this unique audio programme!
First off - I'm not going to write a lot of 'sales copy' about this material because it doesn't need it. If you are developing yourself as a hypnotist and/or NLPer, you probably already know practitioners command high fees for smoking cessation work.
Being aware of this, you might have already decided that smoking cessation is something that is well be worth you getting good at... and you can!
About this program
Early in 2015 I invited a small group of interested practitioners to my then offices in Letchworth Garden City to partake in an exploration of my approach to running smoking cessation interventions. We spent the day getting deep into the key understandings, strategy, tactics and psychological subtleties of how I personally approach smoking cessation work within a hypnotherapy/NLP frame.
As it was a small group event only, many people asked me if I would record it for wider release, so at the last minute I decided that I would.
This result is Smoking Cessation Mindshifts - a 5 hour and 43 minute audio programme on conducting effective smoking cessation interventions for those with some skill and grounding in NLP and Hypnosis (your specific background is not important here, so long as you have some skills and tools).
Through this audio exploration I am sharing with you the most effective understandings and approaches that I have utilised and had developed across 7 years of working with smokers who are choosing to quit. I am not only sharing with you what I have found to work (and why), but also what I have found to be less useful too (some of which is exactly the kind of thing that some practitioners encourage).

"Smoking cessation mindshifts was fantastic for me... so many perspectives around serving, choosing, coaching and other things that really helped me shift gears with how I've been showing up with clients. I've actually begun to really enjoy the smoking cessation sessions I've been doing recently and it's made me think about other issues in a slightly different way. All the best!"
Al Hill - Hypnotist & Coach
What does the program comprise of?
Will I be learning scripts?
Will I be able to use the material covered straight way?
Is there a manual or transcript?
What is your success rate?
Are you a smoking cessation specialist?
What is HWT good for?
What is Hypnosis Without Trance?
What are the advantages of HWT compared to traditional approaches?
What are the origins of HWT?
Is this a 'drip feed' program?
Where, when and how was this program recorded?
How long will it take me to complete the program?
What will I need to do to get the best from it?

"Hi James , about 11yrs ago I bumped into a guy I know... and I was amazed at his weight loss , he looked great . I asked him how he lost the weight and he said it was down to you . I asked him if you helped people stop smoking , long story short , one visit to you and I stopped , never smoked since ...Thanks again James ( and especially for stopping me from smoking )"
JS - Smoking Cessation Client

"I purchased Smoking Cessation Mindshifts and am just finishing the 2nd audio download. Needless to say, I've had many new insights and the fire that is in me - to not only help others, but EFFICIENTLY help others - has reached a new burning point. Thank you! Keep up the great work."
Kyle Lautimus - Coach & Changeworker