Self Hypnosis & Personal Alchemy

Building an Embodied Technology for Personal Transformation!

Get into the driving seat of your life with these powerful approaches... becoming the you that creates the life you want!

Jorgen Rasmussen

"Get your hands on this program!"

 Antonio Perez - Hypnotist


Foundational tools, techniques and skill-sets for self-facilitating profound personal transformation!

Get into the driving seat of your life with these powerful approaches... becoming the you that creates the life you want!

£150 Lifetime Access

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Hi There,

This is James Tripp, and welcome to this information page for the Hypnosis Without Trance Self-Hypnosis and Personal Alchemy online home study programme - a deep immersion in Building an Embodied Technology for Personal Transformation!

Back when I was originally learning NLP, one of the ideas that struck me most powerfully was 'people work perfectly' - we are perfectly set-up in to generate exactly the results we get (both in terms of experience and outcome) with complete perfection.

In fact, our mind/brain/body is so powerful in creating the unfolding of our lives (in accordance with its learned patterning and enacted through our 'trance repertoire) that when we try to change it using conscious intention or 'will power' we usually find that we cannot.

Now, if you don't like the experiences you are creating (unconsciously) or the results you are getting in life, that may not seem much of a comfort... until you realise that whilst you cannot fight the might of your collective trances, you can get into the underpinnings of these trances and transform them to be a better fit for the kind of life you want to create and lead.

The trick is, knowing how to do it! This is the art form of Personal Alchemy... and the master key to the skill-set is Self-Hypnosis.

How This Programme Came About

Whilst I am known most widely as a Hypnosis Teacher, Coach and Changework Practitioner, many people are unaware that I initially got into 'Mind Tech' (Neurolinguistics, Hypnosis, Pragmatic Psychology etc) NOT with the intention of working with others, but with the sole intention of transforming myself and my ability to shape and influence the unfolding of my life.

I can trace the origins of my own journey of self-transformation all the way back to a life changing realisation that hit me in 1993. For reasons I won't go into I was struggling with life - consumed by fear and insecurity and the sense that I was in over my head with almost everything. Things came to a head and I found myself staring starkly into what looked like a dark future when I was suddenly struck by a profound realisation...

"The world is not going to reorganise itself to suit my needs... so I'm going to have to reorganise myself to meet the needs of life."

For me this meant equipping myself to become the primary driving force in my own life. Initially, I had no idea where to begin, but I began... began exploring different approaches, philosophies, practices... hungry to take and incorporate what worked and discard what didn't.

One of the biggest shifts happened when I discovered NLP in the early 2000s - this springboarded me into whole new realms of Mind Tech, pragmatic psychology and profound personal transformation.

What I will say is that little of what I learnt simply worked 'off the shelf' - almost all of it needed hacking and rejigging or even entirely re-forming to make it work. Often I would need to 'upgrade' an approach by plugging in some 'mind tech' from a completely different discipline. Overall, there was a lot of 'trial-and-error' and 'double-loop' thinking and troubleshooting needed to get things working and get the deep transformative effects I was looking for.

In addition to this, I started working professionally with clients as a coach and changeworker in 2006. This provided an opportunity for further development as I had to figure out how to help others (whose 'operating systems', cognitive styles and predispositions differed from my own) create profound changes in their own lives. This meant taking much of what I'd learned from my own journey and figuring out more generalisable adaptations.

With this programme I am bringing you much of the 'best of' material I have exlplored with and developed over a 24 year period. To be clear, the source material for this is rich and diverse and I do my best to credit sources where I can. The reason I claim that this material is packed with understandings and approaches you will not get anywhere else is NOT because I claim to have originated it all, but because I have integrated it all and transmuted much of it through rigourous exploration and experimentation. For this reason I will emphatically state...

This programme contains deep understandings, insights and practices you will not learn from any other teacher on this planet!

My intention is that you will take it and use it in creating your OWN embodied technology for personal transformation.

Embodied Technology Vs Simplistic Stock Processes

Many approaches to self hypnosis are reliant upon stock 'turn key' processes that you formally apply and are claimed to lead to pretty much automatic and effortless results. The downside of these 'solution in a box' style approaches is that whilst they are often technically simple to apply, they ignore human individuality and complexity to the point that they, more often than not, simply do not work!

This is where Self Hypnosis and Personal Alchemy is very different - instead of teaching stock processes we focus on developing skills, capabilities and deep undestandings that enable you to work effectively with the complexity of your own psyche!

The result is the building of a personally 'embodied technology' - a technology that exists within you and can be flexibly deployed anytime and anywhere in the cause of deep personal transformation.

The advantage of this is that, as you transform yourself, you further develop yourself as a self-transformer - a Personal Alchemist - deepening your understanding of your unique and evolving self along with your ability to manoeuvre in relation to and see deeply into that self.

Who Is This NOT For?!

Self Hypnosis and Personal Alchemy is a rich programme, packed with skills, exercises and understandings for developing a truly embodied technology for personal transformation.

What it is NOT is a rigid and simplistic 'out of the box' process that does anything for you without any input on your part.

For this reason it is NOT recomended for those who wish to retain low levels of consciousness and simpy have something change them on their behalf. If, on the other hand, you are looking to significantly deepen you personal expertise in facilitating transformation within yourself, this programme will have a LOT to offer you that you simply will not get elsewhere.

EVERYTHING in this programme is tried and tested - it is 100% real world stuff developed across many years of pragmatic exploration.

It is also worth noting that the focus of this programme is on transforming our patterns of response and engagement with the world - changing responses and behaviours and NOT IN ANY WAY about pain management OR working with health issues. So if it is the latter you are looking to deepen your skill with, this is not the programme for you.
Programme Content

Self Hypnosis and Personal Alchemy consists of over 14 hours of concentrated material exploring skills, understandings and developmental exercises for building embodied expertise in self change!

All the very best,

James Tripp

"Hi James, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that thank you for your Self-Hypnosis & Personal Alchemy course. Over the past several weeks I basically completed it twice, and it is already having a powerful impact. Your approaches resonate deeply - they put a framework and refinement on some things I had already been doing without knowing it, and extends them and introduces other new tools and awarenesses as well. It’s been not only helping me, but really helping my clients too. Thank you!"

Jason Tollens - Hypnotherapist

Embodied Expertise

A technology that exists within you and can be flexibly deployed anytime and anywhere in the cause of deep personal transformation

Deep Understandings

Deep understandings, insights and practices you will not learn from any other teacher on this planet!

Personal Alchemy

Get into the underpinnings of your collective trances and transform them to be a better fit for the kind of life you want to create and lead

"You really are reinventing and transforming not only hypnosis, but yourself. Your assertiveness has increased a lot. Obviously your change work works!"

Mauricio Galvez - Hypnosis Explorer

Self-Hypnosis and Personal Alchemy

Building an Embodied Technology for Personal Transformation!


 £150 Lifetime Access

Get Access Now!